Welcome to the Muscleware Learning resources!

Here you will find a directory of documentation & training materials organized by role. After reviewing, if you have questions or need any additional clarification, contact us at support@muscleware.com.
Most of the Athlete-facing components of the Muscleware system require little to no explanation, as they are intuitive and straightforward. However we provide an "FAQ" section below for the most common questions.

NOTE: Muscleware is not authorized to answer any event-specific questions, or questions related to IFBB Pro League / NPC / NPC Worldwide / CPA rules, qualification requirements, etc.

These questions must be directed to Event Promoters or District Chairpeople directly. These contacts are the Athlete's official organization representatives.

How do I Register to Compete at an Event?  
After I Register for an Event or Buy Tickets, What Will Appear on my Bank/Credit Card Statement?  
Who do I Contact if I Have any Event or Payment Questions?  
If I'm Already Registered for an Event, How do I Enter Additional Class(es)?  
How do I Upload my Posing Routine Music?  
Throughout the online registration period, Promoters use the Muscleware Promoter's Portal to access and analyze all of their data. Full Promoter guide, including comprehensive Promoter's Portal documentation is available below:

Promoter Documentation

This documentation is also accessible via the "HELP" tab in the Portal. Additionally, some frequently asked questions are answered below:
How do Registered Athletes Add Classes?  
How do I Change an Athlete's Class?  
How do Athletes Upload Posing Routine Music?  
How can I Send out a Mass/Bulk Email?  
Check-in Staff
Once online registration is closed (typically the Wednesday night before the event), Promoters are emailed a link to their "Event Deliverables" page, which provides download links for all of the auto-generated event resources.

These resources include important Check-ins documents (in PDF format) that must be printed in preparation for the Athlete Check-in. More information about the documents to print, what they are used for, and our recommended process/flow for the Athlete Check-in below:

Recommended Check‑in Process

Additionally, Check-in Staff may opt to use the digital NPC/NPC Worldwide/CPA waivers for walk-up Athletes, rather than the paper waivers*. Comprehensive documentation on digital waivers, including screenshots, is available below:

Digital Competitor Waivers

* Note: We advise printing at least a few copies of the paper waiver, just in case there are any non-technical Athletes who can't or won't use the digital waivers.

Finally, for Athletes who still need to purchase memberships, QR Codes are provided below that can be printed and available for scanning at the Check-in. Athletes who scan these QR codes with their mobile phones will be immediately directed to the applicable membership purchase page:

National Physique Committee (NPC)
NPC Worldwide
Canadian Physique Alliance (CPA)
Muscleware provides a FREE advanced software application for Statisticians (aka "Tabulators" / "Scorekeepers"). The software is installed on a laptop and runs in a completely offline state - no internet connection required.

The Muscleware Statistician software is used at the Athlete Check-in (with the Event File - one of the "Event Deliverables" the Promoter receives prior to the event) to make any necessary edits to Athlete data in response to officially measured heights & weights, and also to add walk-up Athletes who register for the show at the Athlete Check-in. Once Check-in is complete, the software generates all show-day documentation, including Judge's Scorecards, Competitor List & Schedule, Expeditor and MC Sheets, Crossover reports and more.

The software is also used to score the event, and generates all final results documents. Finally, when the event ends (and an internet connection is available), results data is formatted and submitted directly to the NPC with the click of a button.

Comprehensive Statistician software documentation, including a full training webinar video, software download links, and sample event files for learning & practice is available below:

Statistician Training & Documentation

This documentation is also accessible via the "Help" menu in the software.
Ticket Staff
When Promoters enable Muscleware Ticket Sales, a FREE Ticket Staff tool is included to scan Ticket QR codes (or find ticket holders by name / receipt number) and to set Tickets as "Picked Up". There are also cash purchase recording tools, and all actions are date & time stamped to provide granular tracking & logging.

The Muscleware Ticket Staff Web App requires no installation at all. It is accessed via a regular smart phone web browser (Safari for Apple iPhone, Chrome for Samsung/Android devices).

To log in, obtain the link and Access Code from the Promoter, who receives this information as part of the "Event Deliverables" a few days before the show.

Comprehensive Ticket Staff Web App documentation, including screenshots and examples of usage, is available below:

Ticket Staff Documentation

Note: The Ticket Staff Web App is web-based, which means a cellular data plan or available Wi-Fi connection is required.
Expeditors, MC's & DJ's

Once the Athlete Check-in is complete, the Statistician will get all of the walk-up Athletes entered, and make any necessary class entry additions or changes, based on officially measured heights and weights.

At this point, the Muscleware Statistician software is used to generate show-day documents, including an Expeditor Sheet. The Expeditor Sheet lists all classes, in order of the event schedule, with all Athletes in numerical order within them. Additionally, notation is included to indicate when Athletes appear on stage for the first time, and also their entire individual schedule for the event, including all crossover classes.

See Section 5.5.2 of the Statistician Documentation for a comprehensive explanation of the Expeditor Sheet, including screenshots and a full sample document.


After Prejudging is complete, and all scores are calculated, the Statistician will be able to generate the MC Sheet. The MC Sheet is an extended version of the Expeditor Sheet - in addition to all classes and Athletes in the order of the event schedule, all results data is also included, in one clean, concise format.

Additionally, notation is included to indicate when Athletes perform posing routines, and also which Athletes have already been presented in the Finals portion of the show. Finally, Overall groups are indicated, including the Competitor Numbers and names of all Athletes in the Overall groups, and which class they won to get there.

See Section 6.5.2 of the Statistician Documentation for a comprehensive explanation of the MC Sheet, including screenshots and a full sample document.


Throughout the online registration period, Athletes receive registration confirmation emails from the Muscleware system, and in these emails are links to their personal "Athlete Profile" page for the event.

The Athlete Profile is used to review all entered class(es), add class(es), and upload posing routine music, if applicable.

All uploaded posing routine music is in MP3 format, and is renamed to the Athlete's competitor number, indication of whether to start the music while they are ON stage or OFF stage, and the category the music applies to. All uploaded files are supplied to Promoters via their "Event Deliverables" page, which they are emailed a link to once online registration closes. (Typically online registration closes the Wednesday night before the show)

After supplementing the uploaded files with the files/songs collected at the Athlete Check-in, DJ's can also use the MC Sheet as a full schedule & guide for when each Athlete performs their posing routine.

See Section 6.5.2 of the Statistician Documentation for a comprehensive explanation of the MC Sheet, including screenshots and a full sample document.

Live Notifications App
The Muscleware Live Notifications system provides a direct line of communication between Event Staff and Athletes, Spectators and/or attendees of any kind. Contests are listed in the App 2 weeks prior to the show, and remain in the App until the day after the show.

Comprehensive Live Notifications App documentation, including screenshots and examples of usage, is available below:

Live Notifications Documentation

Prepared social media graphics are below, to assist Promoters & Event Staff announce the availability of the App, so Athletes know to download the App and "Subscribe" to the Contest:

Social Media Graphic (Feed Size)
Social Media Graphic (Story Size)

Screening & Contact Tracing
Promoters may enable Muscleware Screening & Contact Tracing if the Event Venue (or Municipality, County, State, etc.) requires a full contact list/manifest of all people in attendance at the event. Most often, this is a requirement related to COVID-19 / communicable disease.

Comprehensive Screening & Contact Tracing documentation, including screenshots, is available below:

Screening & Contact Tracing

To enable Screening & Contact Tracing for your event, contact us.

© 2025 Muscleware Inc.